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The Pointers


From illustration 1B it was shown how the four shafts were extended forming two “pointers”. It was also demonstrated how two circles appear to be a mathematically or geometrically connected to the four shafts. We can now determine the average length for both pointers by applying all angular values documented by Sir W. F. Petrie (Ill. 4).


Illustration 4. The angular measures by Petrie for the four shafts and confirmed by using the location where the upper shafts protrude at course #102.


From these measures, the angular distance between both pointers is established (Ill. 5).


Illustration 5. An average angle of 76.0 degrees is measured between the two pointers (red lines) and a circle measuring 117 Royal cubits fits perfectly into the lower pyramid features.


The bisect of the pointers (red lines) are extended to the location of intersect. A circle is drawn from the intersect to the end of the small pointer having a radius measure equaling 117 Royal cubits in length. It is noticed how the circumference of this circle passes along the base of the lower subterranean chamber floor, directly below the centerline of the pyramid foundation. The circle also passes through the end location of the lower shaft, left of the Queen’s chamber.

In October of 2002 an electronically controlled robot was directed to this exact location in the Queen’s Chamber shaft. The purpose of the exercise was to penetrate through a small 8”x8” stone “door” blocking the passage; it was believed to be the entrance to another hidden chamber. Although the operation was a remarkable engineering feat, the only discovery was an additional stone blockage approximately one meter ahead of the first, preventing any further investigation…the search continues.

The second and longer of the two pointers measures approximately 400 Royal cubits in length, and it can be noted that the end of this pointer is equal in height compared to the theoretical height of the pyramid structure (apex in red).

It should be noted that the linear measures are approximate having a discrepancy of several Royal cubits in length. The uncertainty of measure is controlled by the precise measure of the individual shaft angles, and there is a small discrepancy (approximately 0.2 degrees) for the angular measure of the southern shaft in the King’s Chamber compared to those made by Sir W. F. Petrie, whose measures are used for this presentation.

The third observation is the angular distance between both pointers; it is approximately 76.0 degrees, surprisingly it is within 0.3 degrees of measure compared to the pyramid apex of 76.29 degrees.

With all information and measures in place, we can now apply logical reasoning in an attempt to “decipher” the designer’s message…if a message does exist.

To encode messages within any geometric design requires advanced knowledge in mathematics. This important fact controls our approach on resolving the possibility of a code or message hidden within the structure, but first we must disregard the following theories.

1)     The shafts aligned with a “particular” star in our distant past, or allowing ancient astronomers to measure star locations.

2)     The shafts were used by the deceased king/queen allowing eternal travel in their “afterlife”.

3)     The simple function of the shafts being no more than air ducts for the workers.

Although one or all of the above theories may be true, they must be treated as completely irrelevant and excluded from the search. They offer no information containing knowledge…therefore they cannot contain a message.

And now the search begins!


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