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Facing the Unknown



The following topic is prepared specifically for those with understanding. The words are few, but the accompanying illustrations will speak volumes.



There was a beginning…and there was a “Creator”…that we were taught! But do we actually believe this story of old, a story shared by many and spread from continent to continent through the annals of time?

The “good” books explain how all was put in place and every living thing was set free to travel the wondrous lands and swim the oceans blue. That was many years past…unfortunately we have no record of what year this event actually occurred.

The books explain of the first young couple that sinned by eating fruit from the tree of knowledge. Why, we must ask, was it sinful to eat the fruit of knowledge? Did the Creator not want us to learn? Were we to be no more than his personal herd of roaming humanoids? We must all agree that life certainly would not be the same if that young couple had followed the golden rule.

So! Now we are here…this very moment in time. This planet has been mastered and our next mission…space and beyond!

It must be thrilling for the young people of today; their future certainly looks promising. Let’s wish them the greatest in life and hope their every dream come true. It will be a life of leisure compared to what we have faced, but then our life is a “dream’ compared to our parents; it’s termed “advancement of civilization”.

Advancement? Are we advanced? Do we actually believe we are advanced? If so, what gauge do we use to test our advancement?

Perhaps we are not advanced. Perhaps there were others before us. If there were then there should be signs of their past existence. Didn’t the Creator state that a sign was left for us to understand? What was s/he referring to…where do we look?

Since we are advanced and understanding of all that Earth offers and archeologists have removed the soils of time from almost every acre/hectare available to them, then there is only one other place for us to search…the heavens!

How simple…let us examine what we presently know.


Part 1

The Moon:

The Moon is the closest and first natural formed object traveling through space that mankind stepped upon. It’s size is almost 30% the width of Earth, having a soil composition most similar to Earth’s. How it happened to orbit Earth is unknown, it is one of the many mysteries of our solar system, and the theories vary drastically from:

1)     The Moon formed when gaseous clouds condensed in the early stages of the forming of our solar system.

2)     One year, in our great past, when Earth was still a soft ball of hot molten rock, an object, traveling through space collided with Earth. The impact was so severe that a huge segment of Earth was severed from the ball formation. The ejected material formed into its own smaller size ball…the one we witness today…the Moon.

3)     On the lighter side, we have the theory of Earth “capturing” the Moon. Again, there was an object traveling through space that approached Earth on a perilously close path. Fortunately the object was destined for the exact orbital course that Earth travels. Since Earth is much larger than the Moon then gravitational forces “attracted” this huge stone and eventually it was captured, destined to travel the planes of the universe as Earth’s new companion.

4)     “…S/he made two great lights…the greater light to govern the day (Sun) and the lesser light to govern the night (Moon). S/he also made the stars…”


Although we are taught that anything is possible, we are now left with a dilemma, a multiple choice from at least four theories of how the Moon began to orbit the Earth. Is one of the above true…if so…which theory do you believe?

The Moon orbits on a course approximately 60 Earth radii from this planet. And similar to all objects orbiting the Sun, its path is elliptical (5.5%). Below is shown the exact size ratio and the average distance and limits of the Moon from Earth (Ill. 1).


Illustration 1. The Moon and its distance from Earth showing its maximum and minimum limits.


In the future we will travel through space. As we venture further from Earth we will look back and view these two objects as illustrated above. The Moon and Earth will appear to be very small objects indeed. Our travel will be in all directions at any time of our own choosing, but this may present a small problem. How do we know exactly where or how far we are from Earth and what tool of measure should or could we use?

The most simple and readily available measuring device would be the distance measured between Earth and the Moon…a unit of one “Moon-length”. But our view of these objects will “not” always be perpendicular to the line that joins them. Added to this, we have the variation of distance caused by the elliptical path of the Moon; therefore it is wise to incorporate a different form of measure.

There are other object we could we use out there as we glide in that vacuum of emptiness. We could use one of our planets as a standard of measure.

If a planet were to be used then my first choice would be the largest planet in our solar system…the planet Jupiter. Comparing it to one “Moon-measure” it would appear as shown (Ill. 2).


Illustration 2. Comparing the width of Jupiter to the Moon-Earth relationship.


To compare Jupiter in this manner gives us a greater insight to the immense size of this grandfather of all planets. Astonishingly, one complete rotation of Jupiter requires only 10 hours compared to the 24 hours for Earth. The outer surface would be traveling at a velocity 26.5 times that of Earth. Is it no wonder that storms and hurricane-winds are prominent throughout its complete outer surface?

Having compared Jupiter to the Earth-Moon relationship, we must realize that the other three giant planets should be considered also: Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus (Ill. 3).


Illustration 3. The four giant planets are compared when the Moon is closest to Earth.


Instantly we see the remarkable coincidence in measure for the four giant planets traveling our cosmos when compared to the distance the Moon is from Earth at its perihelion location.

Naturally we should total the four values and compare it to the minimum distance the Moon is from Earth (56.890r). From the Moon’s measures we have (60.268r - 3.315r) = 56.953r. The difference in measure is 0.063r, equivalent to 400 kilometers from a total distance of 363,256 kilometers. Now that has to be one of the greatest coincidences in measure.

We must realize that the above is no more than a natural occurrence, besides the four planets match only the minimum distance the Moon is from Earth, not the average. But there are other planets we should include…the small inner planets of Venus, Mars and Mercury. Adding these to the drawing we now have a different assembly to consider (Ill. 4).


Illustration 4. The three inner planets: Venus, Mars, and Mercury are added.


Unbelievable…another incredible coincidence!

What are the mathematical possibilities for this to occur? The seven planets have a total diameter measure equal to the “average” distance the Moon is from Earth. The total measure is 56.89r from the previous plus an additional 3.728r giving a total sum of 60.618r. The average distance from Earth to the Moon is 60.268r. The difference in measure is 0.35r, only 2,200 kilometers further than the average distance the Moon is from Earth. Ironically, the 2,200 kilometer difference is an additional oddity; it is the estimated diameter of Pluto and this is the one planet yet to be included in the comparison.

Pluto is the furthest known planet in our solar system. Many believe this tiny little snowball is not actually a planet that it belongs to the comet family. Its density measure indicates it being comprised mainly of frozen liquid/gas, most common with comets, either a mixture of silica and water, methane, or both.

With the seven planets aligned the total measure was 0.35r longer than the average distance the Moon is from Earth. Adding Pluto will increase the measure, therefore a slight alteration is in order.

Rather than measure from the center of Earth we now measure from the furthest side of the planet, giving a total distance of 61.286r (Ill 5).


Illustration 5. The eight known planets orbiting the Sun and their combined diameter measures compared to Earth and the Moon.


What is witnessed above is an absolute impossible combination of measures, yet it is there…measured to the greatest of accuracy. How did these planets form to create such a display of mathematical perfection? Planets, all in different stages of development, all traveling our cosmos, all having individually distinguishable features, including their colorful hues…how or why did this happen?

Below is a closer view showing the perfect fit of our furthest known companion in our solar system…Pluto.




Four theories were suggested…which one did you choose?



Printed with permission…from “106” The Dawn of Man, 1999, sbe…………..Clive Ross

Copyright 1997 by Clive Ross

CIPO 459689


To contact Clive Ross please e-mail: amitron2001@yahoo.com

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