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Orbital Alignment


From illustration 5, the ratio of lengths for the two pointers is 400/117, reducing to a 3.42:1 ratio. The slight discrepancy in angular measures affects the ratio giving a variation from 3.36:1 to 3.48:1.

Previous topics on this web site provide sufficient evidence indicating the ancients having full understanding of planetary motion. And from all planetary data, there is only one ratio corresponding to that of the two pointer dimensions…the average distance ratio for the two planets Mars and Jupiter when measured from the Sun, it being 3.415:1.

Comparing this ratio to the calculated value of 3.42:1 indicates a possible reference to the orbital characteristics for these two planets. If this was the designer’s intent then it is most probable that the shafts were built to the greatest precision. From topic 3  we discovered how the pyramids represented planets orbiting the Sun. Using the same technique we can simulate the motion of Mars and Jupiter to determining their points of alignment within the pyramid’s internal features.

Using the center of the two pointers to represent the Sun’s location and the pointer ends to indicate the orbital position of Mars and Jupiter, the two pointers can be rotated in either direction, similar to the hour and minute hand of a watch.

…The planets are now set into their respective location (Ill. 6).


Illustration 6. The two planets: Mars, and Jupiter are set into position.



Orbital facts:


1) The orbital period of Mars is 686.98 Earth days.

2) The orbital period of Jupiter is 4332 Earth days

3) Mars orbits approximately 6.3 times further around the Sun than Jupiter, in the same time period. In astronomical measure…for every degree of orbit that Jupiter travels, Mars travels an average of 6.31 degrees.

4) For the mathematical enthusiast there is one additional measure of orbital ratio for these two planets…their alignment ratio, it equaling 1.1885:1.

E.g. Jupiter is 90 degrees ahead of Mars in orbit, therefore Mars must travel (90 x 1.1885) degrees = 106.96 degrees to “catch up” and align with Jupiter.


Now it is a simple game of moving one planet, measure the degrees of orbit, calculate the time elapsed, then move the second planet accordingly.

Rotating Jupiter 63.7 degrees around the Sun in a counterclockwise direction until it aligns with the King’s Chamber requires a total of 767 Earth days. During this interval, Mars completes one orbit and continues an additional 42.0 degrees to the horizontal location parallel to the passage leading to the Queen’s Chamber (Ill. 7).


Illustration 7. Jupiter is rotated 63.7 degrees to align with the King’s chamber, note the location of Mars…horizontal to the passage leading to the Queen’s Chamber.


Since there is no orbital direction stipulated, we can observe these planets aligning in either direction. Traveling clockwise, it is discovered that both planets align pointing directly toward the subterranean chamber (Ill. 8).


Illustration 8. The two planets align pointing directly to the subterranean chamber.


It was most coincidental to see the first example indicating Mars traveling for 767 Earth days. This is followed by the planet traveling 767 degrees in the second example…both numbers are identical!

By positioning the pointer representing Jupiter toward various physical features of the pyramid structure we can calculate the corresponding position for Mars. There is one location we would automatically attempt to align the planets with and that is the apex of the pyramid. Moving Jupiter from the subterranean chamber to the apex is a total of 174 degrees (Ill. 9).


Illustration 9. Jupiter is rotated from the subterranean chamber to align with the truncated apex of the Great Pyramid requiring 2093 Earth days to complete.


There have been many theories put forward in an attempt to explain why the builders carved a tunnel in the bedrock downward from the ascending passage to the descending passage, but there appears to be no logical reason for this design. However, we can see how the alignment of Jupiter with the truncated apex of the pyramid occurs at the exact moment when Mars aligns with the lower entrance to this tunnel. Was the location of this entrance intentionally chosen to confirm these orbital calculations?

From the above examples we have witnessed the alignment of both planets but only for a small portion of Jupiter’s orbit. The designer(s) had to ensure that their knowledge of planet orbital ratios was fully understood. They had to demonstrate the outer planet Jupiter after completing at least one full orbit around the Sun (Ill.10)


Illustration 10. The location of Mars after Jupiter completes one full orbit.


The above shows the location of Mars after one full orbit of Jupiter in the counterclockwise direction. Mars must orbit the Sun six times then continue passed Jupiter to a position 34.11 degrees ahead. Closer examination of the pointer representing Mars shows the addition of the southern shafts with their end markers. Remarkably, the shafts align perfectly with the passage and ironically it is the blocked lower shaft of the Queen’s Chamber aligning with the blocked subterranean passage.

Jupiter has now completed one orbit and the next alignment of the two planets will occur after Mars continues its journey and “catches up” to the slow moving Jupiter (Ill. 11).


Illustration 11. Both planets align above the King’s Chamber after a total of 5071 Earth days.


Almost beyond belief…both planets align perfectly with the King’s Chamber and to confirm the design being intentional, the southern shafts, forming the pointer of Mars, align perfectly with the angle of the descending passage. This is the most outstanding and stunning demonstration of astro-mathematics mixed within the geometrically designed masterpiece…the Great Pyramid.

Did the ancients build this pyramids knowing that the king, who ruled during its construction, was not to be buried within? Is it possible that the king was also involved in the pyramid planning? Did the ruler of the land, with his teachers of science, order the construction of the Giza site in an attempt to save what knowledge had been gained, hoping for a future generation to discover the meaning behind their design?

Was the attaching tunnel between the two major passages dug and intentionally concealed? Did they carve and shape the grotto at a precise location in an attempt to guide us to a deeper meaning for the tunnel’s haphazard design?

Carefully concealed for thousands of years, the four shafts were ingeniously implemented within the Great Pyramid, used as a means to demonstrate the designers gained knowledge in astronomy. Most important…these people used a remarkable method to transfer their knowledge of planet motion to us of the future. The simple but incorrect assumption that the shafts were used for ventilation purposes lead us to this astonishing demonstration of two planets in orbital motion around our sun.

There is much hidden within the stone structures on the Giza Plateau…and this is only the beginning!


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“1o6” The Dawn of Man…C.Ross 1999

Secrets of the Great Pyramids…Peter Tompkins 1978

The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh…Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie  1883

Exploration of the Universe…Abell, Morrison, Wolf 1987

Larousse Astonony…Philippe de la Cotardiere  1987

The Pyramids of Egypt…I. E. S. Edwards  1967


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